Tuesday 4 March 2014

Costume List

For our music video Ishpreet Sundal conducted a costume list using Polyvore of the clothes that our main star wore during our video, we used the Polyvore that I had created before in order to help us get an idea of the type of style Kesha would go for. From below you can see there is a variety of different colours and some crazy clothes, this is very typical in a Kesha video and it also helps us convey the narrative of our music video as being very 'crazy' and 'wild'. This was important when contributing to our music video as we will be able to compare these clothes to the ones that Kesha tends to wear and notice how we took this on board and included these in our video. Costumes were also important as it is mainly what the audience is going to see, so when choosing these outfits we wanted our audience to gather that our main star is quite crazy and out going like Kesha.

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