Sunday 23 March 2014

Digipack Promotional Advert Research

For this task we had to compare the use of two Magazine advertisements, to do this me and my group member decided to analyse one magazine advertisement each. Digipack promotional adverts are important when creating a digipack as they help advertise upcoming albums for there target audiences.

For my digipack promotional advert research I chose to use to look into 'Rihanna's' - Loud she follows many typical conventions of the pop genre for the audience to expect to see.

  • The digipack consists of vibrant colours in order to attract attention
  • The album title is called 'Loud', this is juxtaposed by the use of visual images as she appears to have her fingers over her lips signifying to 'shh'
  • An image of her album cover so that the audience know which album she is referring to and advertising
  • The use of typography to connote 'OUT NOW' so that the audience know when they can access the digipack
  • Close up of her face is used similarly on the album cover connoting her in a sexual desire reinforcing Laura Mulvey's male gaze
  • Similar use of vibrant colour of red is dennoted through he magazine advertisement and album cover

Ishpreet Sundal then analysed a digipack promotional advert for Britney Spears:

Here are the main things that we as an audience are presented with:
  • The name of the artists ('Britney Spears'), in large capitalised font. It is shown in through a bright and vibrant colour, which indicates that they are the main focus of the advertisement.
  • The release date and name of the album
  • A hit single which the audience may be familiar with
  • A large proportion of the page is dedicated to an image of the artist
  • The image is quite sexualised: Britney appears to be showing a lot of skin, as well as directly looking into the camera which connotes her confidence
  • The font and theme of the advertisement is similar to the digipak
  • The theme of album name 'Circus' is expressed through the colour choice, and layout of the font

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