Monday 3 March 2014

Music Video Equipment List

Our group decided to come together to create an equipment list in order to help us for our preparation and planning for our music video. We enlisted all the items that we would need so that when we came to filming it would help us remember all the equipment that we need. We made sure we included items that will help show the conventions of a typical Kesha video. This equipment list was created by Ishpreet Sundal but worked together so that we didn't forget anything. This helped us when conforming to our music video as we had listed some of the common props and equipment used in Kesha's music videos and it also helped us when it came to filming as we knew what props we would be using and want to include.

The equipment we will be using are:
 -Polaroid camera
-Party poppers
-Disco Ball
-Punch bowl
-Lab coats

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