Friday 13 December 2013

Focus Group

To help us create our treatment we decided to create a focus group, to do this I filmed other A Level media students while Rumena Ahmed took the footage and edited it onto iMovie and uploaded it to YouTube. From this focus group we gained that our audience wanted to see a lot of party scenes as it is highly conventional for a pop music video, we then as a group took this into consideration and decided that we would film party scenes in various different locations. Our audience also reminded us about the regulations of the use of alcohol, we had to make sure that it was clearly stated and shown in our music video that we are not using alcohol although some of us are of the legal age. To highlight that we wouldn't be using alcohol we will be using similar things such as paint to mix into water and various other juices in order to make it look similar.
From our focus group we also gathered that our audience dislikes when an artist takes themselves to seriously, from this we gathered that we would show our main start having fun and enjoying herself and just letting herself go crazy. We also found that they dislike the use of a really long narrative, to ensure that we do not have a long boring narrative our video is going to consist of a large use of fast cuts and different locations, this is highly conventional of a pop music video and also makes the music video much more interesting.

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