Tuesday 10 December 2013

Six frame conventions analysis

In class our teacher informed us the importance of conventions and we looked into the ways in which artists have their unique style, in my Slideshare below is the research and popular artistic conventions which I found reoccurred in Lady Gaga's music videos.

I used Slideshare enable to help me collaborate the ways in which pop music videos portray the typical pop conventions which will help me apply them to my music video that me and my group will  be creating. Conventions are one of the main aspects we had to focus into of the pop genre and look into other different pop artists. I chose to research into Lady Gaga's as she is well known in the music industry and gathered, focussing on the conventions is important to the creation of our music videos as we as a group must make sure that we interpret similar conventions so that it fits in the pop genre category.

Conventions are the common themes and ideologies that are shown repeatedly throughout music videos, we had to take this into consideration while we was planning and researching our music video as we wanted it to fit the pop convention criteria. If we don't follow the pop conventions, then our music video will begin to look like a random video and we would not have stuck to our plan. When planning our music video we paid homage to Kesha's videos as we wanted to make sure our video was a typical Kesha video. While researching into Kesha, we gathered she has a lot of use of glitter and is very crazy and wild in her videos, we adapted this to our music video by filming in various different locations and showing that our focus character can be crazy and play up to Kesha's stereotype. Creating this also helped us get an understanding of how Lady Gaga uses her conventions and gave us an insight on if we could subvert any of these ideas.

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