Wednesday 16 October 2013

Target Audience : Brand Interests Information

I  used the website called Polyvore enable to help us look into Keshas target audience. Her style is also very bright and colourful to make her stand out which is also a typical pop convention and from this we gathered that those interested into Kesha would have the same similar type of clothing style. By creating this helped us gather a few ideas on the clothes and props we will be needing for our music video in order to suit our target audience. The clothes are also from normal high street shops and we will consider this in our video. While I was doing this task, I had specifically looking for the type of clothes that would appeal to Kesha's target audience. They appeal to her target age group and also quite fashionable in this era. Creating this is going to help us out later on when planning for our filming as we can use this when picking outfits for our main character Kala Hill, we can use this and negotiate on what we can dress her in so that she fits Kesha's style.

Kesha by connc featuring glass bottles

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