Saturday 5 April 2014

Evaluation Question 1

When it came to conducting our evaluation we as a group decided to split the roles of each question.
Q1- Ishpreet Sundal
Q2- Rumena Ahmed
Q3- Chloe Connell & Ishpreet Sundal
Q4- Chloe Connell

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To answer this question my group member Ishpreet, gathered screenshots of our music video and applied them to By doing this helped her analyse the ways in which we had conformed to the pop conventions by giving a brief description for each post. Once she had gathered this we found that we had successfully fitted the most common and typical conventions of a pop music video which was one of our main focusses. Using this Ishpreet has highlighted the pop conventions used in our music video e.g. the Party scene which she gave a a brief discussion on how we interpreted this into our video. We developed this into our video by using a variety of different party scenes in different locations which reinforces the convention of party scenes. From our previous research into pop conventions helped us when constructing our music video and evaluation as we tried use the forms of conventions continuously through our music video. 

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