Friday 11 April 2014

Evaluation Question 4

I took on the role of demonstrating this question and to do this I created a timeline on to connote the process of all the functions that we came across during our process of the music video. I included imagery and a description on how we used the different technologies.

Here is the link to my timeline:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Evaluation - Question 3

For one part of our evaluation Ishpreet Sundal and I decided to create a news report to help us answer our question, while answering our question I typed up our answer into in order to help Ishpreet answer the following question so that it was easier for her to read out the answer to the question

Below is one of the questions in which we uploaded via YouTube to help us evaluate our piece. 


Tuesday 8 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2

As Rumena had completed the digipak she has conducted the evaluation question for this using 'Prezi', below is the embedded prezi in which she created.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Evaluation Question 1

When it came to conducting our evaluation we as a group decided to split the roles of each question.
Q1- Ishpreet Sundal
Q2- Rumena Ahmed
Q3- Chloe Connell & Ishpreet Sundal
Q4- Chloe Connell

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To answer this question my group member Ishpreet, gathered screenshots of our music video and applied them to By doing this helped her analyse the ways in which we had conformed to the pop conventions by giving a brief description for each post. Once she had gathered this we found that we had successfully fitted the most common and typical conventions of a pop music video which was one of our main focusses. Using this Ishpreet has highlighted the pop conventions used in our music video e.g. the Party scene which she gave a a brief discussion on how we interpreted this into our video. We developed this into our video by using a variety of different party scenes in different locations which reinforces the convention of party scenes. From our previous research into pop conventions helped us when constructing our music video and evaluation as we tried use the forms of conventions continuously through our music video. 

Friday 4 April 2014

Final Titles

After me and my group member Ishpreet Sundal successfully finished editing our music video on Final Cut Pro we then uploaded it to YouTube, below is our finished music video.

Produced by: Chloe Connell & Ishpreet Sundal
Edited by: Chloe Connell & Ishpreet Sundal
Directed by: Ishpreet Sundal & Chloe Connell

Thursday 3 April 2014

Our Final Magazine Advertisement

After we had looked at the magazine advertisements created by Rumena Ahmed, me and my group member Ishpreet decided to create our own magazine advertisement using 'Pages' and 'Adobe Photoshop', we used some of the conventions Rumena made and added some of our own such as the release date. When creating this we had to make sure we conformed to the pop conventions. After we did our digipak research we gathered that typography was important when creating ours as Kesha has her own stylistic font, we then incorporated this into our magazine advertisement so that it fitted her stylistic conventions. We included quite a bright pink background which subverts Kesha's stylistic features as she usually tends to use quite dull colours however we found that it was very common for other pop artists such as Little Mix.Using 'Pages' allowed us to edit our typography in the way we wanted too, we added a drop shadow to the title of the song and around some other texts in or to make it stand out, we also enhanced the 'C' on our song title in order to enhance it as it fits Kesha's crazy style. We also decided to have our song name in blue as it enhanced the 'CRAZY KIDS' written onto the red cup so that we could enhance the colour.

From our advertisement research we found that conventionally many artists such as 'Rihanna' appear to include the front cover of their album onto their advertisement, we have taken this into consideration and decided to export our song cover onto our advertisement which will help the audience know which CD cover we are advertising when it comes to purchasing the item. 
Chloe & Ishpreet Final Digipak