Wednesday 22 January 2014

Final Treatment

After we had taken into consideration our draft treatment and padlet, Ishpreet Sundal and I had recognised the changes from our previous treatment and noticed that we wouldn't be able to include all of those ideas. To help us concur this, Ishpreet Sundal created a new treatment using the footage that we have already taken and made it to that it fitted with our music video. From this we learned that we had to change the opening of our music video as now we have our lead actor waking up from one of her 'crazy' nights to replicate and show the themes which we are trying to connote through our music video of her being wild and crazy.

Outline of ideas for music video (narrative, characterisation, concept etc…)
Our music video will start of with the female lead, waking up in the evening from intense partying the days before. People  shown doing a unique dance routine; which later in the sequence people are shown doing aswell. Cuts to the lead singing against a starry background, and then cuts to school lab earlier that day of everyone making drinks in a lab (replace alcoholic products). We will ensure to have a close up on this, to make it clear that they are not alcoholic.
Then the scene cuts to the female lead and her friends walking to the party and then shots of people in the party, not having a very good time. Thereafter, female lead and her friends put down a large bowl of a substance which then is given to the guests and the party livens up and more funky items are placed in the party to connote that the party was boring before.
Female lead and her friend are shown taking shots of the substance.
Resources that will be needed? (actors, props, settings, technical resources)
·      Actors
·      Backdrops/green screen
·      Chemistry lab- lab coats
·      Glitter/make up for actors
·      Costume
·      Big space
·      Lights
·      Mirror
·      Glow in the dark paint/ glow sticks
·      Party decorations

Saturday 18 January 2014

Draft treatment response

To help us gather ideas for our music video, Ishpreet Sundal and I set up a padlet in which we got to find out what people outside of our group liked about our draft treatment.

We got our classmates to have a look at our draft treatment and give us their ideas on what they think and how we can improve. We learnt that many of them liked our narrative story and the crazy pop conventions we have included. This is going to impact our music video as it gives us an insight on to what other people like and dislike about our video and how we can improve. It also helps us fit to our target audience as we asked people who are also our main target audience so we had to take on board their comments and make sure that we sure that we stick to them.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Draft treatment analysis

As a class we had a look at everyones draft treatment and picked out the points that were good and ways in which we can improve our ideas for our music video. We gathered that many people really enjoyed the idea of a party scene and they liked this as it followed the typical pop conventions. From gaining other people's idea on how we can improve helped us to be able to change some ideas in which maybe they wouldn't enjoy as much.
We found that they enjoyed that narrative as it was quite fast and up beat which would entertain them however we saw that they didn't want it to seem as too much was going on so as a result we have made the beginning slightly shorter of the main girl getting ready so that it doesn't take up to much time in our music video.

Also from our responses we found that most people were against the use of alcohol, although we wasn't going to use alcohol due to our target audience and age range we are going to have a seen of some of the dancers going into the science lab preparing drinks to make them seem quite rebellious and that they are still in school so the drinks would not be alcoholic.