Tuesday 26 November 2013

Copyright Letter

As a group we decided that we wanted to follow the rules and regulations of copyright which we had learned in class so that we are preventing any types of piracy. We chose to send a letter to Kemosabe record label to inform them and ask for permission if we could use their song 'Crazy Kids' by Kesha. We informed them that that it was for our A2 work and we would not be using it for any profitable intentions. Kesha also is signed to the flagship music records of RCA which is a subsidary of Sony music entertainment however has not majorly signed to the song of hers we are using for our A2 work. 

My group member Ishpreet Sundal and I had both created a copyright letter however we decided to stick with her one as she had included slightly more information and appeared to be more formal. We had learned the importance of copyright as it covers our bases reassuring the artist that we don't want the song profitable reasons.

Audience questionnaire

In our group we decided to split the roles, Ishpreet Sundal and Rumena Ahmed (group members) decided to create specific questions for our questionnaire, I then applied these questions and uploaded them onto survey monkey. We used questions that would help benefit our music video and give us a greater understanding of what the audience would prefer, we our going to use our questionnaire in later process of creating the video to make sure we meet all requirements. Below is the link in which I uploaded our questionnaire too. It is important to have a good understanding of what our audience want as we are trying to provide for them, however it would also be the typical thing that Kesha's record label would do to ensure that her music video would fit to her target audience. The questionnaire will be very useful when editing and filming our music video as we must make sure we know what we must include and what our target audience disapprove of so that we can meet there expectations.


Our group member Ishpreet Sundal posted our questionnaire on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook she then took into consideration the feedback we got from the questionnaire and created a Power point to connote this.

Below is a screenshot from our questionnaire in which we asked our target audience to use.

Once we had received our feedback Ishpreet Sundal then took the results and displayed them in an analysis which she used Power Point to demonstrate on.

Audience Profile

In today's class be discussed the importance of being able to know our target audience well enable to create a successful music video through the use of demographics and psychographics. Demographics is more personal and factual information which helped us with our video as our chosen artist is Kesha and we had to make our video mature and not to childish. We then used psychographics in order to help us see our target audience likes and dislikes as we would not want to create something which the target audience disliked.

By analysing our target audience we noted that they are mainly going to be female orientated and had to specifically look at females and there interests. In able to help us we aim to look further into them as it is going to be based around females. To help us show the understanding of this Ishpreet Sundal created a prezi which creatively shows us the information we discovered on demographics and psychographics which we gathered in class.

After researching our chosen artist Kesha I chose to do some more research into similar artist such as Kesha, this helped us to identify some more pop conventions which we could apply. We chose the video TGIF by Katy Perry as it was a very crazy fun video which is similar to many of Kesha's. The video has a good and unteresting use of narrative and has a large use of iconography which is a typical pop convention.