Wednesday 19 February 2014

Risk Assesment

When it came to filming our final piece we as a group had to make sure that we aware of all the upcoming risks and dangers that we could come across. To help connote this Rumena Ahmed constructed a risk assessment grid so that we was aware of the ways in which we could avoid the possible dangers and how we could over come them. This was important for us, our group and our teacher as we had to ensure that we was aware of dangers and that our teacher had confidence in us that we could overcome problems if any came about.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Filming Schedule

When it came to our filming process Rumena Ahmed created a filming schedule which informed us of the different locations and shots that we would be filming in the locations. By doing this helped us organise what shots we would be filming in the different locations and made it much easier for us when filming. It was also we did this so we could organise on each day which day we could film in the locations so that everyone in our group was prepared.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Filming Preparation

While we was filming our music video, Ishpreet Sundal took various pictures of me setting up the cameras and tripods which we need for our music video. I then transfered these pictures onto Fotor Photo Collage to help show the step by step plan of how we got our particular shots. This is also quite conventional for a music video as many videos often show a behind the scenes and how the video has been prepared, in these pictures we can see the equiptment and props that were used in regards to making our music video. These pictures also show the preparation of our video and found that once we have completed our video, we would like to show people the process in creating our final product.

The pictures also show the minor things that make a big difference in our video, as for the bottom middle picture we can see that we had to parton our lead star into making sure that everything was in the right place. When watching the music video many people would think that this can be fairly natural but we had to fit her hair in so that it looked like a suitable shot in the camera. On the top right picture it shows Rumena Ahmed trying to fix the white background so that it fitted with our lighting, we learned that this was important as we had to make sure we had the correct positioning.

Friday 14 February 2014

Shot List

For our group Ishpreet Sundal created a shot list so that when it came to filming our music video we was able to ensure that we did not miss any important shots that we would need for our music video. This also helped us as we could gather what location we would be in for filming certain parts of the music video and helped us stay organised. We put this together with our storyboard when filming as we got a rough idea of what we wanted to film, the shot list also included everything we would be using for each shot which helped us when it came to planning.

Once she had created the PowerPoint she then uploaded it on to SlideShare as it consisted of a lot of tables.

Wednesday 12 February 2014


For our planning of our music video I decided to conduct the storyboard on behalf of my group, although we didn't stick to our storyboard completely this helped us when it came to filming as I knew what shots I would have to film and the shot type. Once I had completed the storyboard I uploaded it to SlideShare as it consisted of many pages and thought this would be the better option.

Friday 7 February 2014

Laura Mulvey's 'Male Gaze'

While I was creating the costume list and artist biography, my group member Ishpreet Sundal created the ways in which we have incorporated the 'male gaze' theory stated by Laura Mulvey. She has taken screenshots of our music video where we have used the theory and also where it is used in Kesha's music video. We used this extra research at is it a typical pop convention and is also commonly used by Kesha

Below is the research that Ishpreet Sundal conducted:

Laura Mulvey is British feminist as well as film theorist, who introduces the concept of the 'male gaze'. The male gaze refers to the way in which cameras, predominately focus on women as being shown sexual object of desire. By doing this the audience view the female, through the eyes of a heterosexual male. Women can be seen as a sexualised objects in many differing platforms of media, from magazine covers, films, music videos, and so on. This can be done through things such as provocative actions, clothing or even the way men respond or react to women.

Catering for the male gaze is a typical convention of the pop genre. Many female artists such as Katy Perry and BeyoncĂ©, are known for their 'sexiness' and raunchy videos. After viewing various videos of Kesha's (our artist), we could see that many of her music videos also caterers for the male gaze. Below are screen shots from youtube of  Kesha's music videos, which can apply to the male gaze:

The first screen shot is taken from the music video 'We R Who We R'. Kesha is denoted as wearing a provocative American print top, which has a large rip at the chest. This caters for the male gaze, as it enables the audience to catch a glimpse of Kesha's breasts. 

The second screen shot is taken from the music video 'Die young'. Here Kesha is denoted as laying on a mattress in a provocative manner, wearing little clothing. This shot caters for the male gaze, as it emphasises Kesha's legs, breasts and stomach. 

 This research has been helpful in creating our music video. This is as we have learned to incorporated scenes and shots which cater for the male gaze; as this is typical of the pop genre as well as Kesha's 'sexy' image. Below is a screen shot which shows a shot we filmed of the lead (Kala Hill) for our music video. Our lead is denotes as laying on a bed, which is similar to the screen shot above. The shot pays particular focus to Kala's legs, which can be conventional of a pop video. However my group and I were full aware of the possibility, that Kala's shirt may have been too revealing when she was laying down. In order to prevent this, we requested Kala to wear black shorts underneath the shirt. 

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Artist Biography

Artist Research

While Ishpreet was creating the Laura Mulvey male gaze I decided to research into Kesha.

Kesha who is also known as Kesha Rose Sebert was born in Los Angeles, California in 1987, she is formally a singer, songwriter and rapper. She had her major breakthrough while appearing in Flo Rida's hit single ''Right Round'', this was then her first major few steps to becoming more famous and getting publicly known worldwide.

Kesha attended Brentwood High school and studied songwriting classes and often learned how to sing many of her mothers Pebe songs and on many occasions started songwriting together, this is how Kesha gathered her passion for music.

Kesha also has featured her own documentary which premiered on MTV which followed her going on her tour and her day to day life. This enabled her fans to gain an insight to her life and see her working in the studios below is the first episode of her documentary which I interpreted for additional research as it allows viewers to see Kesha for what she is like rather than what they read or see about her.